The 6 Best free cache plugins for wordpress

Most Recommended list of 6 best cache plugins for WordPress

Speed is one of the most important aspect that keeps hindering in the mind of webmaster. If you are really serious about giving your website users a fast experience then there are few factors that affect the load time. To give the users a fast experience you must have a caching system up and running to give your website blazing fast speed, caching system will dramatically reduce the page load time. Page load time also plays a vital role on SEO, while indexing your website the mother of all search engines which is Google also takes a note on the speed of the page ( Loading time of a page ). Faster pages have more possibility to rank higher than a slow loading pages, even thought this is one of the many thing that Google notices while ranking a page but you can bet that this is an important one. So caching is very important for a website owner.

Once you are all set for having a caching system to work on your WordPress website then the question arises that which one to choose as there are so many out there to choose from. To solve this problem we tested many caching plugins and came out with the 6 best free cache plugins for WordPress. We gave them places according to the features, ease of use, and effectiveness.

Best free cache plugins for WordPress

W3 Total Cache


W3 total cache is a complete as well as the best caching solution for your WordPress website this is a featured pack plugin which will take care of all your caching needs. This is the plugin that we use at Zdidit, this is more like a technical cache plugin which has a lot of options to work with, If you have knowledge about caching and knows what you want in your website caching system then this plugin will prove a long-term investment for your website.

This plugin is very popular with almost 3.5 million downloads and rating 4.5 out of 5. W3 Total Cache gives you many features in one plugin such as page cache, minify, CDN support, database cache, object cache, browser cache. These are all the options you will ever need for caching purpose, If you don’t know how to configure this plugin then leave everything to default or go for a plugin which is more simple to use. This is on the top of our list of best free cache plugins for WordPress.


WP Super Cache


This is another great plugin which we used earlier, WP super cache is a very simple to use plugin. If you don’t want to get into the technicality of customizing each and every feature then this is the plugin for you this plugin uses a caching engine which turns your php to static html pages which loads fast. this can really make a difference when your website gets loads of traffic, at that time this plugin will keep up the speed and will continuously delivery the content without any lag .

WP Super Cache has been downloaded more than 5 million times and has a rating of 4.2 out of 5. This is very useful plugin for new website and blogs, if you have a new website then this is the plugin to go for.


Quick Cache


Quick cache is a speedy plugin as the name suggest this plugin quickly converts php pages to static html to enhance the page load time. This same thing is done by WP super cache too so you must be thinking what is the difference, well quick cache is lot easier to use than super cache. You just install it activate it and you are done, quick cache has a multisite network installation which lets you enable this plugin on your primary domain and it’ll be enabled for all the addon domains as well.


Hyper Cache


Hyper cache is a flexible caching system for those who have very low resources available from hosting. This is very useful to save CPU and mysql database resources, This plugin has the power to manage plain as well as gzip compressed pages , hyper cache has many more features like it is compatible with other plugins, compresses the storage.


WP Fastest Cache


WP fastest cache gives you an edge to create a static html page which lets you a conserve RAM and CPU of your server in the time of heavy load. Whenever your website have many visitors at that time load on the CPU and RAM increases drastically, which results for a page to take time longer than it usually takes to load. At this time WP fastest cache jumps in and reduces the load on CPU and RAM of the server resulting in giving user a flawless experience.


MO Cache


MO cache is a cache plugin which is specialized for localization, the mo cache plugin uses WP object mechanism which translates mo files and does fast caching of files. With fresh WordPress blogs this plugin can speed up the translation up to 3 times. This is the last on our best free cache plugins for WordPress list but it is definitely not the least, in fact this is the only translation cache plugin that made to this list.



Using the perfect plugin can do wonders for your website and a cache plugin is one which you must have on your WordPress website, This will not only speed up your WordPress website but will also help in SEO. After installing one of these plugins if you are still having bad page load time then you must check with your hosting whether they are slow or not. Another common reason can be a conflict with other plugin. You should always remember not to install two cache plugins at same time on one website, they restrict each other to from working properly.

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Achin Verma

I'm Achin Verma writer and creator of zdidit. you can follow me on facebook ,

1 Response

  1. Team Zdidit says:

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