Things you must do after changing theme of website
Things to do after changing the theme of your website
If you have changed the theme of your website, or you are just about to get on with it. Then we must say,
As we earlier wrote that every pro blogger change the theme regularly, and you must do it too.
If you have not changed the theme yet then you must read the things you must do before changing the theme of your website.
Yes this is important and you must follow the steps, this could save you from lot of trouble that you can face after changing the theme.
Before we begin with the Things you must do after changing theme of website. We hope that you have chosen a nice theme for your website. There are few thing that you must check while making selection of theme.
Now that you know all that you have to do before changing the theme, we can begin with things you should do after changing the theme.
Now lets start with the things to do after changing theme of your website
1. Check the Sidebar
These things are the one of the most important area as most of the advertisement, be it your adsense or any other advertising source.
Many people like to place many widgets on their sidebars, sometimes these widgets are theme specific.
As you change the theme the widgets of old theme also gets deactivated, You should check the sidebars, try to replace the things that you are not working or edit some widgets that seems of place.
You should tweak them to make it suitable according to the website design.
2. Menu
Whenever you change the theme you will see that all the menu items have either disappeared or gone out-of-place.
This is due to the fact that you have created different menus for different areas and placed them on your older theme, like menu 1 for primary menu, menu 2 for footer and like that.
Now the new theme don’t know that which menu is for where so you have to place that again.
Sometime there is difference in width or the size of menu area so you have to arrange the menu items that is most suitable to the design of you blog.
3. Tracking codes
Now that you have changed the theme you should check the tracking codes, many times after a theme change these tracking codes don’t work right.
You have to make them working again, these codes lets you know all about your traffic and other stuff.
One of the reason for this can be that many themes have area to put codes in it or many like to place codes directly in php files.
This way when you change the them all the codes placed in the theme files also goes with them, so you have to place it again to get tracking back online.
4. Testing Plugins
After changing the theme of your website you should check that all the plugins are working fine.
With the change of theme, it is obvious that codes are different, so there can be compatibility issues with them. You should try to find out if a plugin is not giving the right result as it should.
Sometimes plugins have some functions that are already in the theme which can make conflicts. You must correct them by either disabling the feature or plugin as needed. If the plugin is no longer needed then you must delete it.
Having more plugins is not good for page load and can put more load on you server. Try to keep the plugin count low.
5. Browser Compatibility.

Browser Testing After Changing Theme
This is one step that we also do before changing the theme, and we do it after changing it too.
This is that important, after all browser is the thing which is needed to view all you work. If you website seems broken in any of the browser, then it is bad for your viewership.
After making all the changes and testing plugins, you should do a browser test. this will ensue that all the things are in right order and you can move ahead with content creation.
6. tweaking
After all the things are done you should find out that you that what you can do to make the design better.
If you are an advance user then you can make a few changes to with CSS. Some tweaks here and there can make you web design simply wow.
You should try to choose the color, width, font size etc to make the best of you theme.
7. Ask Readers
This is a crucial thing that many people don’t think, there is no way that you can check all the bugs in few minutes or hours of testing your website (depending on the size of website).
For this you have to ask the viewers to help you out. If they find a bug then give them a way to contact you,, this way you will get a lot of valuable feedback, that can help you find bugs and users feel more engaged.
8. User Feed Back
Viewers holds the top priority for a website, after all what you are doing is for them. So after changing theme of your website you must ask them about feed back.
There are many ways by which you can get feedback, you can create a post asking about how viewers feel about the new design, or a sidebar widget so that all the viewers can be there, use a poll plugin to see how many people likes and dislike the new design.
If more people dislikes the design in our opinion if number of dislikes are more than 10-15% then these is something wrong and you should get back to old design or start finding that what is the things that viewers don’t like.
there will be some who will say that get back to old design, these are the loyal viewers who don’t like changes. But you have to be sure that then new design is better than the old one and easy to navigate and soon they will start liking that.
Getting a feedback will also show that you care about your viewers and want their opinion. This way they will feel more part of the website.
This is the Top Things you must do after changing theme of website. This will help you take care of many things that will help you make sure that you have chosen one of the best designs for your website.
Now with new look your website will gain new heights, this fresh look gives viewers a whole new experience and even you would like to work more enthusiastically with the we layout working on the website.
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