The 7 Best free WordPress twitter plugin

Top list of free WordPress twitter plugin.

We all love to use social media in our daily life, social media is part of our life now, we like to share our thoughts like or promote what others are socially. One of the most famous platform which we use in our daily life is twitter, twitter is a powerful tool to share your thoughts or promote the things you like by re-tweeting.

As we know that how powerful twitter is, so we should make it a point to add twitter functionality to our WordPress website as well. There are many twitter plugins out there by which you can have your tweets or twitter cards on your website. To make it easy we have made a list of best free WordPress twitter plugin.

1 – WP to twitter


Wp to Twitter is one of the most popular solution for using twitter with your WordPress blog, what this plugin does is it posts a twitter update when you post something new on your blog. If you post a link then you have the option to choose the URL shortening service of your choice, if your don’t like to use your own image shortening service then twitter’s own shortening service will be in place.

You will also get a recent tweet widget which will display recent tweets made from your twitter account, apart for this you also get twitter search widget which will display tweets related to your search query.

Highlights & Features

  • URL shortening service.
  • Recent tweet widget.
  • Search widget.
  • Automatic post of blog activity..


2 – Really simple twitter feed widget


Really simple twitter feed widget is a plugin which is used for displaying recent tweets on the sidebar of your WordPress website. In order to embed twitter feed you have to go to the development center of twitter to create a personal Twitter Application. after this you will be able to customize style, thumbnails, links,, dates, replies,  retweets, etc.

Short-code feature in this plugin can be used to place tweets other than the widget area.

Highlight & Features

  • Customizable.
  • Short-code feature
  • Simple to use.
  • Sidebar widget.


3 – Kebo twitter feed


Kebo Twitter feed is free WordPress twitter plugin which can get you started with just a few clicks, with this plugin you don’t need to build you twitter app. You can make your feeds visible on your blog either with the help of a widget which can be displayed n the sidebar, for other places you have the short-code feature to do the job.

The refreshing of tweets happens in the background so that there is no increase in the page load time of your website.

Highlights & Features

  • Easy to set-up.
  • No need for ap development.
  • Short-code & Widget.
  • No effect on page load time.


4 – Tweetable


Tweetable is a plugin which will help you to automatically tweet the link of the post as soon as it get gets published. If you want to display your tweets on the sidebar of your website then this plugin has a widget for that too. To embed tweets in your post you have a oEmbed to make it easy for you.

This plugin also adds a tweet me button after your posts so that users can tweet about your post easily and quickly.

Highlights & Features

  • Automatic tweeting of new post.
  • Embeding in posts.
  • Sidebar widget.
  • Tweet me button.


5 – Revive old post


Revive old post which was formerly known as Tweet old post is a popular plugin. This is a plugin which can be a gem for your old posts, it tweets about your old posts which can bring traffic to those forgotten but very interesting posts. With this plugin you can set the number of posts as well as time frame in which you like your tweets to be made.

Tweeting is not limited to older posts, you can tweet about the new one too. Using of hashtag is also there to make your tweets more searchable.

Highlights & Features

  • Tweet old posts
  • Set number & time between tweets.
  • New posts are also tweeted.
  • Use of Hash tags.


6 – JM Tweeter cards


Jm twitter cars is a plugin which will be really useful if you add the twitter cards in you posts, Many of the websites like to add twitter cards to their posts it shows the tweets with user who posted it. It gives you a meta box to add the data you like to enter, it is totally compatible with WP seo or all-in-one seo.

It has a fine crop for images is you have an updated version of WordPress.

Highlights & Features

  • Insert twitter cards.
  • Meta box.
  • SEO friendly.
  • Image crop.


7 – Tweetily


Tweetily is a free WordPress twitter plugin which tweets automatically when a new post or page is published. This plugin also tweets about older ones too so that they remain alive and get continuous traffic form social media network. This plugin works automatically you just have to set the number of tweets and time between the tweets, rest is taken care of by the plugin itself.

There is a counter which will show you the time till your next tweet which gives you an idea about how much time you have and in between you can tweet about other things.

Highlights & Features

  • Automatic tweeting.
  • New & old posts.
  • Counter to show time left.
  • hash tags in tweets.



This is our list of best free WordPress plugin to have twitter functionality on your website. All the plugins have different features so choose the one depending on your needs. if you know a plugin which should be on our list or want to share your thoughts, leave us a comment.

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Achin Verma

I'm Achin Verma writer and creator of zdidit. you can follow me on facebook ,

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2 Responses

  1. Mark Newsome says:

    Great job with your list Achin!

    Several of your plugins I’m not currently familiar with. But thanks for your highlights & features section under each plugin.

    That really helps me decide if I should look into using it. Thanks! Great job!

    • achin verma says:

      Thanks for visiting, I made this Highlights & Features section just to make it easier for users, now i know that this is really helping.

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