22 best places to get High resolution images for free – Ultimate list

Websites to get High Quality images for free.

We all know that images plays an important role in making a blog post more beautiful, some of the website are solely dependent on the images. There are many websites which displays lot of images in a post, if you have the a website of a niche where you have to display lot of images, then you must be wondering how to get quality images for free. There are lot of images that are available on the internet, but you can’t use them as they have rights reserved, if you still use them then you can get in legal issues.

This doesn’t mean you can’t use any image that is available on the internet, there are many websites that gives you chance to use free images commercially. To get the images for free you have to know about the right of usage, these usage of rights are known as Creative Commons.


Every image that have Creative Commons which tell you the ways you can use the picture, some comes where you can use images only for nonprofit website, some commercially, some gives freedom to build upon. If you are not ale to find the rights of an image then you should not use that image as it comes with all rights reserved by default.

There are lot of websites which are started by people who likes to give images, which lets you use images anyway you like. Before we jump on that there are ways you can find these kind of free images using the powerful Google image search with usage rights set to commercial or using commons from wikimedia or filcker.

But Google mmay not give you the best results that you like to see, if you want to have images that you can use on your website there are quite a few out there which can be a gem for getting beautiful images. So here we start with the list of website for getting high resolution images for free.

Website list of High quality images for free

1. Google ImagesGoogle  images is a source where you can find lot of images from different website all at one place, To search an image which can be used free, you have to search a keyword and set the rights under search tools as labeled for reuse. Then google will only show you images which you can use on your website even if your website is commercial.

2 . Flickr.com – Flickr is a photo sharing website which is owned by yahoo, Flickr contains images with different creative commons license, for the use on commercial website you have to set the license to “commercial use allowed” after you make a search.

3. UnsplashThis one of the top source for getting images for free, The images found in unsplash is high resolution and have a CC0 license which means you can use the image any way you like, if you like then you can signup for there newsletter to get 10 new images in your inbox every 10 days.

4. Pixabay – This is my favorite place to get free image. Images found on pixabay are CC0 license image which can be used any where you like, the interface of the website is very user friendly with option to download different resolutions for an image. Pixabay shows details of the image like the camera model, lens, focal length, etc.

5. picjumbo – On picjumbo most of the images are shot by the site owner himself. You’ll find a work of art at this website, all the images are exceptionally beautiful, you can use the images for personal or commercial use. All you have to do is give proper attribution.

6. Commons WikimediaWikimedia is a huge database of 23+ million images free to use on your website. You can either find image by topic which are listed on the main page or use a keyword to locate you image, all the images are either in public domain or with some free license.

7. Free images – A free source of getting images for your content, this website needs you to register first in order to download images. This website is a subsidiary of Getty images which is a leading name in stock photography.

8. Bigfoto – Bigfoto is a website which provide free images mainly focused on the basis of continent, but it even has a some of the images baised on theme. These are high resolution images which are ready to be downloaded and use in your website for free.

9. Superfamous – Super famous is a nice resource to find free high resolution images, The images from this website comes under creative common attribution 3.0 in this you have to give proper attribution to the image.

10. Morguefile – Morgue files is a place where you can find images that are high resolution, morgue files name suggest a place to keep the post production material. There is a crop toll which will help you to crop image to your desire and embed it. These images are free to use personaly or commercially without attribution.

11. Public Domain Archive – This website contains beautiful high resolution images free to use either personally or commercially. All images are nicely placed in the respective categories which are easily accessible.

12. Raumrot With raumrot you get the free images with sets, these individual sets contain images on a selective theme. Images found on this website is of 300-dpi, these images comes with a CC-BY license under which you have to give attribution in order to use the image.

13. Pdpics – Public domain pics is a repository for free images, all the images are clicked by their in-house photographers. To use these images personally or commercially you need to give a proper attribution

14. PhotopinThis website performs search on flickr API with creative commons, when you search for an image you get an embed code for individual image so that there is no image load on your server.

15. GratisographyThis a website to get your free images for your website, all the images are under CC0 which lets you use images without attribution, Images are updated on weekly basis.

 16. Kaboompics – This website is created by a web designer form Poland named Karolina, she uploads high quality images for personal as well as commercial use. Even though attribution is not needed but she request to give a link to support her work. Images are categorized and tagged to help user find the images easily.

17. Magdeleine – Hand picked images for your use, images have different types of license attached with them. Some of the images needs attribution where as some do not.

18. Picography – A website with high resolution images which you can use any way you like, these images comes with a CC0 lisence so you don’t have to give any attribution.

19. Jaymantri -This is a image resource which is inspired by unsplash, you get seven new images every Thursday. In order to download the image the download link is displayed along with photograph.

20. Death to the stock photos – You have to subscribe to this website and you will get free images in your inbox every month. You are free to use these images commercially too.

21. LittleVisuals – Images delivered to your inbox every seven days, these images comes with a CC0 license so you can use these images any way you like even commercially.

22. Splitshire – These images come with love from italy, photographer and creator of this website Daniel Nanescu says that you can use these images in personal or commersial use any way you like.

These are the website where you can find high resolution images for free. If you like to use image try to find one which is related to the subject of your article, images in itself says a million words so choose one nicely.

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Achin Verma

I'm Achin Verma writer and creator of zdidit. you can follow me on facebook ,

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1 Response

  1. Bob says:

    Please also check out http://www.goodfreephotos.com for thousands of unique public domain photos, especially travel photos. Appreciate it if you could add it to your site. I always give shot-outs to lists with my resource. Thanks.

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