9 Best free WordPress pagination Plugin
Pagination will increase user experience, it’s good for SEO too. Check the list of Best free WordPress pagination Plugin to get your content paginated.
Pagination will increase user experience, it’s good for SEO too. Check the list of Best free WordPress pagination Plugin to get your content paginated.
There are times when you get an 404 page not found error on your website. To make it easy to track the 404 pages check our 4 Best free WordPress 404 plugins
List of best free Deals plugins for WordPress. There are times when we like to show our viewers a deal,...
Images plays an important role in SEO, Learn how to SEO optimize images for better search engine ranking. 7 ways to SEO optimize images to reduce page load.
There are times when you get many requests form a specific IP, this can be an alarm for you.You might...
WordPress admin panel security is one you should protect in order to save your site form getting hacked. Check these tips to strengthen your WordPress Admin Panel security.
Have you ever wondered which WordPress theme is used by that fantastic blog. Learn How to find which WordPress theme is used by a website.
Learn how to recover lost password in WordPress? Reset lost password There are times when you forget the password for...
If you are about to make a new website then firstly I should congratulate you. To start a website the...
Changing the password with the help of phpMyAdmin can be really useful in case you website is hacked Learn how to change WordPress password with phpMyAdmin.