Top 10 tips for bloggers starting new blog

Starting a new blog to make your interest go online and gives you a feeling of doing something big. when we start a blog we want it to be successful with lot of audience viewing your blog. If you have started a new blog you must be needing some tips which can help you do the right things to make your blog flourish and prosper.

Here are the tips for bloggers starting new blog

tips for beginner bloogers

Top 10 tips for bloggers starting new blog

1 – Make a Goal

Before starting a new blog you must make a goal that what you want to achieve in a specific time period, this will help you track your progress. You can further divide your work accordingly in short parts and try to complete tasks in that span of time. Without a set Goal you can not track your progress as you don’t have a point where you have to reach. Keep in mind that the goal you are about to set should be realistic and can be achieved.

This goal will make your blogging journey motivated, once you reach your goal you’ll feel rewarded and can move on to the next goal. You can even make short-term goals as well as long-term goals at same time, these short-term goals will lead you to achieving your long-term goal.

2 – Write related to your Niche

Everyone has knowledge about various fields and want to write about everything which seems interesting to them. Even I want to write about stuff that comes to my mind but no one likes stuff not related to my niche right. Even you won’t like to read fashion related articles in tech blog they don’t make sense. When audience comes to a blog they have an idea about what the blog is about, so your target audience comes for that only.

When you write with in a certain niche you get linked by people with same niche. This will help you to target the certain audience who are interested in your niche. Writing about stuff which is not related to your niche can get your audience confused and sometimes they even leave you blog.

3 – Be Consistent

Consistency in writing is what keeps your blog alive. You write posts for people to see it and admire your work and people do love to read a good article, the audience who likes your content comes back to your blog to see what new you have added. If you are not consistent in your posts than the viewers are more likely to lose interest in your blog.

Consistency doesn’t mean you have to write daily, if you do that great but if you write say in weekends then you viewers expect some nice posts from you on weekends. This is the consistency you have to maintain to keep the audience engaged.

4 – Get Social

Make your content socially sharable, this helps in many ways. By social networks like facebook, twiter, pintrest, reddit, and many more you can spread your work more efficiently. Say if I go to your blog and likes what you write I would like to share you post on various social network site I have my account on. This also helps in getting visitors which results in making your blog popular.

there are many ways available to make you content socially available, if you are using wordpress than you can use plugins to add feature for social connectivity. Even some themes have social integration which will fulfill your social needs.

5 – Make your content useful

You won’t waste your time reading article which is not useful to you than why would anyone else. when ever you write, try to make your article as useful as possible. Gather information about the topic you want to write, try to cover most of the aspects which you think is related to the topic. Divide you content in points you think are useful and important for you readers to know.

what i like to do is pen down the points which i think is important for a post. Writing points on a paper helps me to remember all the points so that i wont skip any important information that I want my readers to know. We tend to forget some things if we rely completely on our brain to remember everything.

6 – Read More

Reading what others are writing keeps you fueled up. reading other blogs of same niche will keep you on track About what you have to write in your blog. This will also increase your knowledge which will help you in writing your own blog post. Things are constantly changing when it come to internet this reading habit will keep you updated about what is changing and you can change accordingly.

Reading is a good thing but keep in mind to do this for only that much time you can spare after writing your content. After all writing your own blog post is the main priority.

7 – Comment on other blogs

when ever you come across a blog post you like don’t forget to show your appreciation in the form of comments. Commenting on other blogs can also helps in getting readers to your blog. Keep in mind that you should not comment just for the sake of commenting it should add value to the post, give a genuine comment what you feel after reading a post.

Some blogs will have a website column in their comment section where you can put your website address and that way you make their visitors come to your blog if they like your comment.

8 – Follow others of same niche

Make a list of top blogs of your niche and start following them. This is your main competition ans well as inspiration, you will get to know what they are writing and what topics you should cover. You’ll also get and inspirations as from them as how their managed to reach top-level and what you have to do. This also gives a lot of motivation seeing these top guys putting in efforts.

You will get a push for putting your all in your blog to make it reach new heights. These top blogs will also give you an ides about what your blog lacks and what you need to change.

9 – Proper linking

when ever you write a blog post giving proper links is very important be that internal linking or external. Proper links are an important aspect of SEO, when ever search engine bots crawl in a page it looks for internal as well as external links. You must be thinking that giving external links can make your visitors leave your blog, yes that can happen but you should give links to article where one can get further information about the topic.

Internal links will let your reader read more post which links to the topic. This will reduce your bounce rate ,increase your page view per visitor and time spent on your website. While linking give proper anchor text to the links so that viewers know about the link before clicking it.

10 – Give proper credit

We all use different styles of media to make our content beautiful like images, videos, etc. Whenever you use a media, say an image make sure you have rights to use it in your blog and if it is a content common then you can use it by giving a proper credit to the creator of the image with name and a link to the creator.

Giving proper credit is ethical and legal way of using a media. This will help you to avoid getting in any legal terms for not fulfilling the conditions.

These are the tips one should follow to get their blogging journey more progressive.

image: flickr

Further read:

Achin Verma

I'm Achin Verma writer and creator of zdidit. you can follow me on facebook ,

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